ROTAS STROJÍRNY spol. s r.o. is a 100% Czech company incorporated in 1992. According to CZ-NACE, the main subject of business is 28990: The Production of Other Machines for Special Purposes. The company focuses on the production of weldments from 1t, treatment, and delivery with mechanical and hydraulic drives. It is a medium-sized company. The company’s production portfolio is extensive thanks to a strong background and extensive machine fleet. In addition, the company manufactures custom machines, equipment and machine assemblies based on design and documentation from customers. With our specific technical equipment we create conditions for the supplies of large treated weldments for a wide range of customers. Our pride and joy is particularly the quality of supplied components.

On premises of about 92,000m² there are 2 production halls where all the company’s technologies are concentrated. Main production Hall 4 has cranes with a loading capacity of 2 x 32 tons and 2 x25 tons Hall 7, used in particular for the assembly of large units, has 20-ton and 7-toncranes in two bays, respectively.

The production process overlaps with various industries, which diversifies the risk of the company’s bankruptcy. The most essential products include basic frames for generator units, oil tanks for marine engines, closing units for plastic injection-moulding presses, pipeline straighteners, desludging presses, components for rolling or staining lines, components for forming presses, transmission boxes, and the production of vulcanization presses.